Yup. Still here…

I can’t believe it’s August. Yes. We are still here in the Keys. Soaking up the sun and swimming and just being. We traveled a bunch in July and saw many friends and family we have missed since shoving out to sea.

After every trip we took this summer…. we would come back to the boat and think to ourselves… ok maybe one more week and we’ll head somewhere else.

The ‘Original Plan’ (ha ha) for the fall was to take the boat back to Cocoa Beach and stay in a marina nearby while our house was rented out. Mike was on track (he thought) to go back to work a few days a month in person.

We had it all set up… our neighbors were going to come help us get our car back, my dad was going to fly down to be an extra crew member to drive the boat, I was registering the kids to attend brick and mortar public school…. and then…. our plan went to shit.

The Covid spike stopped our neighbors from coming to us for the car… dad was leery about the numbers in Florida… Mike’s work said they weren’t coming back to in person work any time soon…. and the numbers… well they continue to climb….

One of the reasons we started this whole boat thing is that we have a kid who has had horrible reactions to viruses and to vaccines and to antibiotics… which we believe, this combination in infancy led to other issues including anaphylaxis, food allergies and being immune compromised.

We almost lost this child when his gut was so compromised he couldn’t fight off Salmonella at 11 months old.

He almost died.

Being on a boat made sense to us because we could still travel and explore with the ability to limit our exposure to Covid.

For the record, I am not an anti-vaxxer but am I grateful to have a choice to choose what I feel is right for myself and my family. With the help of a very caring doctor, Mike and I have made choices for our children to get vaccines we all thought were necessary for their health. Mike and I got both doses of the Covid shot because we felt it was the right choice for us. However we are empathetic to people who are skeptical because we have witnessed adverse reactions first hand.

In a pandemic, when you have a kid who’s immune system isn’t great and who is medically ineligible to get the vaccine at the moment you go into lockdown mode. It’s scary and it’s lonely.

We are all sad not to be starting brick and mortar school this year… there have been many tears shed as we continue to alter our plan to fit the needs of our family.

But there have been so many signs that we are in the right place. All the little whispers in the universe keep pointing to where we are currently floating.

So for now… the Masters Crew is officially ‘holding’ in place. We will continue to explore the Keys and swim and float and eat really well. ;)

Who knows where the wind will blow us in the next few months… but you can bet it’ll be some kind of crazy ass adventure.

Stay safe out there friends.


~Christy & Crew

Summer 2021:


YouTube. Here we come.


When in Paradise…