YouTube. Here we come.

Our adventure is a weird one. It was totally unplanned and unexpected. By all accounts Mike and I and our young family were living the ‘American Dream’…. completely exhausted, stressed and running on empty.

And then Covid happened.

I’ll fast forward through all the nitty gritty details for now… but during the lockdown we ended up watching other YouTube boaters and families. We started to get inspired from their stories and adventures and thought to ourselves…. wait… could WE do this?

I’ll fast forward some more to our present day…today Sept 25, 2021…. we are sitting here on our boat, floating in the Keys on a Saturday afternoon literally watching one of the boat families that started it all… Sailing Zatara.

We’ve watched them for the last two years and identify with them a lot because they have 4 kids the exact same age apart as ours. And those crazy cats sold everything they owned… bought a boat and are STILL sailing the world with their family.

If you haven’t already heard of them head on over to their YouTube channel and check them out….

I have no idea what our channel will do or how many videos it will actually have or even if anyone will watch it lol… but I do hope that maybe… just maybe… we can inspire another family to think differently about their time with their kids.

So here it is… our 1st real YouTube video… Our Maiden Voyage on Bacaruda.

It’s a little more melancholy than I envisioned our videos would be but I wasn’t planning on actually making ‘real videos’ so this is the footage we have to work with.

Hope you enjoy it.

~Christy & Crew


Eek! Will We Make it?!?!


Yup. Still here…