Our 1st Overnight Passage

To say we were puckered headed out to sea is an understatement.

Traveling in a boat offshore is not for the faint of heart… it’s a whole next level type of anxiety. It’s essentially taking your home and your family out into the big blue ocean. It’s terrifying and exhilarating all at the same time.

We also decided that in addition to our first ocean passage we would do it at night. I mean if you are ripping off the bandaid you might as well go big!

It’s one of those things that if you are going to really live and travel on a boat that you eventually have to do for a lot of reasons. Weather windows and anchoring in the dark are two main reasons people travel at night in the ocean.

We were lucky to be traveling with our boat buddies who are much more seasoned than us. We started this trip in West Palm Beach and the destination was Key Biscayne.

As we nervously headed out of the anchorage into the wide open ocean a GIANT fishing boat came full speed at us and a HUGE wall of water waked the boat. In seconds I had all 4 kids screaming and crying to take them back to the river. I immediately questioned my sanity and our safety…. but I didn’t let them know that.

After the fishing boat incident we all settled down in to a normal evening routine… food, TV, video games…. you know except that we were in the middle of the ocean lol.

We had a bunch of 1st times on this short passage... first time in the ocean, first time on an overnight passage, first time using our dinghy as a family to go exploring and first time jumping off the boat!

This video has a lot of still pictures in it... and that's because we had no intention of making real videos when we started this journey. But living aboard Bacaruda has changed our lives and now we feel compelled to share our journey in the hopes we can inspire other families to take the leap to live and think differently about family time.

Fair warning…. This video was shot in May. We have lots more stuff to share and want to get to a place where our videos are current. We've bought some new gear and have shot some cool footage.

Stay tuned.

~ The Ruda Crew


Puke Bags for Dummies


Boat Buddies are the best