Boat Buddies are the best

Boat Buddies are the BEST!!!

When we bought the Bacaruda we literally knew no other families that were actually living on a boat. We watched YouTube families who lived on boats but we didn’t actually know any real live people in our circle who even had a boat like the Ruda.

When we got hauled in the boatyard in January we were lucky enough to get parked right next to another boat family. These guys were much more seasoned than us and knew tons about boat stuff. They have 2 kids and our families quickly became inseparable.

For months we worked side by side… each lending a hand when needed… and dreaming about all the places we would go together and the adventures to be had. And then it happened! We both splashed and set off for adventure!

You can follow our boat buddies on insta @sailingwithlowexpectations


Our 1st Overnight Passage


Eek! Will We Make it?!?!