Fall 2021 - Bahia Honda & Looe Key

We have been busy over the last few months with homeschool and working and endless boat projects! We’ve managed to tackle some serious issues like a leaking holding tank (barf) and an engine that decided to spring a HUGE leak while going under the 7 mile bridge for the first time. But… we’ve also managed to have a ton of fun and adventures at sea.

We have been using White Marlin Marina as our home base. Our favorite day trip is heading out to a nearby reef called ‘Coffin’s Patch’ and anchoring out for the day to snorkel and swim and entertain guests who come to stay with us.

We have also attempted a few overnight anchorages. Our first trip from here took us under the 7 mile bridge (kinda freaky) where we anchored near Bahia Honda on the Gulf side. It was beautiful. We spent the time exploring the nearby mangroves and sandbars.

Our favorite anchorage and exploring this fall was with our friends in New Found Harbor. From our marina it took us about 4 hours to motor down there to meet up with our friends who had rented a catamaran out of Key West. We spent 5 days playing, eating, laughing and exploring together.

The highlight of the trip was jumping onboard their catamaran (our 1st time on a Cat!) and snorkeling at Looe Key. Unfortunately I don’t have pictures of the reef bc I forgot the waterproof camera but trust me… it was like Finding Nemo down there!

We’ve seen some of the most amazing sunsets, eaten our fair share of charcuterie and even had fish pedicures. Above all we’ve connected to some of the most incredible people…. fellow boaters and adventurers who don’t think we’re crazy at all for choosing to stay here floating in paradise.

Here’s to more adventure.

~Christy & Crew


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