A Moment of Reflection

This month will mark a year since we shoved off our dock and into the unknown. The year has been full of highs and lows but mostly way more high than low.

What has been remarkable about our time onboard Bacaruda is the change in our family and how we see our time now. We are much more congnizent of living a quieter life. Our pre-covid days were jammed packed full of activities and commitments. What we are acutely aware of now is the amount of stress the ‘rat race lifestyle’ put on our marriage and our family.

We are all different people now.

We are living a shared experience that requires us to be knowledgeable about so many things, naviagte high pressure situations, trouble shoot, fix stuff (lots of stuff), work hard and we must also be good at being still and quiet. This life is a new balance that has expanded our hearts and minds more than we ever knew possible.

We have met the most incredible people along the way who have put their footprints deep in our souls. These are adventure people like us. Never settling for the mundane and always on the move. It’s our shared drive of curiosity and wonder that binds us together.

This past month we shared our love of the ocean with new and old friends. Our two worlds collided… pre and post covid friends and the result left us exhausted and exhilirated all at the same time. For me it was a stark realization of the remarkable growth we have expierienced in such a short time.

As April begins we are busy preparing for our 1st crossing to the Bahamas. The plan is to cross with several boat families at the end of this month. The amount of preparation feels a little daunting at the moment but we are really grateful to be among a fleet of other more experienced boaters. One of the families spent a significant amount of time in the Bahamas in 2020 so we are really looking forward to their knowledge!

I’m attaching a lot of pictures from our travels/adventures over the last few months. We have been using our marina as a home base and taken lots of small trips out of here. This last year has been invaluable time for us to get used to our boat and understanding what we need to make Bacaruda a more sustainable home for longer passages and time on the hook.

Here’s to the next adventure.


~ Christy & Crew


Fall 2021 - Bahia Honda & Looe Key