Life on the Hard


I didn’t even know what that meant 3 months ago. But apparently when you are a boat person some of your boats life must be spent “on the hard” for things like bottom jobs and paint and propeller work.

This past week after Mike replaced a bad starter (his first major boat repair!)…. we moved the Linda Ann for a stint in dry dock up at Port Canaveral. It was my first time actually cruising in the boat. I got to drive her all by myself, learned how to tie some knots and check things in the engine room and probably the scariest thing was figuring out how to navigate the boat through the ‘locks’ at Port Canaveral.

Here’s some picts of our trip and also of her being hauled out. She’s getting a bottom job, new propellers, new upholstery, new graphics on the back and some new through hulls… I don’t actually know what those are yet but I’m still learning lol.

Quite possibly the most interesting upgrade while on the hard will be the poop line. This is Mike’s job. Obvs. He needs to replace the line from the toilets to the holding tank. All I know is he has a hard time with poop & vomit smells. He is literally that dad gagging over changing diapers and vomit…. it’s hilarious. I’ll try to video if I can… :)

Stay tuned.

~Christy & Crew


So you wanna buy a boat?


She’s Officially Ours…