She splashed!

It’s been a little over 3 months since we put our precious boat in the yard for a custom refit. It’s been a whirlwind trying to figure out what the heck we needed to make the Bacaruda safe for our family to cruise on. The learning curve was insane. So many things to know on a boat! It was exhausting.

We’ve sanded and painted and replaced and installed so many things. I’d attempt a list of all the things we did but that would take forever. It really is true BOAT actually stands for Bust Out Another Thousand lol!

She’s been officially christened with her new name with the help of our friends! Poseidon has got to be happy with all that champagne we tossed at him! 🍾🥂

Now we bring her home to prepare for our trip!

As always… stay tuned.

~Christy & Crew


We’ve shoved off!


What’s in a name?